Our Annual Show this year is to benefit the Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU. Please email your friends, acquaintances and businesses you support about the March 18th and 19th show to be held again at the Independence Golf Club. Tickets for Saturday's Reception from 5 to 9 pm are on sale for $35. The show on Sunday, March 19th will be held from 12 to 5 pm and admission is free to the public. We encourage each participating artist in our 2023 Annual Show and Sale to purchase tickets as far in advance as possible to help us plan for the event. The guest names for all reception tickets you purchase in advance will be listed and those guests checked off at admission. Ticket holders will be given a wrist band to show they are paid and a drink ticket. Plus, they will be greeted with a glass of champagne! Make checks payable to BAAA Fundraising and note in the memo line "tickets". Return your check and completed form (provided by Susan in her 1/23/2023 email to you) to: Susan Maley Rash, 460 Bel Bridge Circle, Midlothian, VA 23113.
